According to the FBI, a burglary happens once every 30 seconds. One of the easiest ways to keep you, your family, or your business safe is to invest in steel security doors. The most commonly used type of doors in homes are solid wood, panel, and metal-skinned wood-edged doors. Unfortunately, these materials don’t stand a chance against burglaries.

Many of these popular doors have a hollow core. Hollow core doors are the equivalent of using one wooden board to support the entire second floor of a building. As a material, steel is much sturdier and more durable and therefore offers significantly more protection against intrusions.

You can still make your steel door look like it is made of wood if you prefer this look. Some manufacturers produce doors with wood grains that mimic the look of mahogany, cherry, or oak. Therefore, you can achieve the look you desire while maintaining a high level of protection for your home or business.

Investing in steel security doors will also save you money in the long run. Because steel doors are so durable, they require little to no maintenance. This means you will not have to spend extra money repairing your doors every few years. They also help save money because they help keep your valuables safe and secure.

Many security door manufacturers test their products against many tests before offering doors to the customers. One of these tests is the Dynamic Impact Test, which simulates a door being kicked in. The Knife Shear Test mimics an intruder trying to force entry with a knife.

The Lock & Hinges Test simulates an attack on the lock and hinges of the door. A lever is inserted against the locking to simulate someone trying to break in with a screwdriver. Other tests include: Salt Spray Test, Cyclone Rated, and Fire Resistance. Nowadays, most steel security doors are bulletproof and therefore go through a bulletproof test.

Besides security and protection, these doors also include other benefits such as insulation. This means steel security doors. This will help you save money on your heating bill.

Steel doors are also beneficial in natural disasters as their frames are more structurally secure than wood. These doors protect from fire, bullets, and natural disasters, as well as offer insulation and protection from the weather outside.

You should consider purchasing security cameras if you are worried your home or business is at risk. A high-quality locking system would also be a good purchase. Investing in steel doors is simply one step in the right direction.

Architectural Building Supply is one of six branches of Northeast. To view steel security door options, visit Northeast Build Supply online at or call 732.876.4112. We look forward to helping you find the right door to help keep your home or business safe!

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