Summer has arrived and if you’ve decided to spend a part of it painting, it will cost you less in July if you visit the Weed & Duryea Home Center in New Canaan or our home center in Cornwall Bridge for great savings.

At Weed & Duryea, all exterior paints will be discounted 25%. Take care of an outdoor project with any of the brands in store, including products from California Paints.

At our Cornwall Bridge location, every gallon of Benjamin Moore’s Arborcoat Exterior stains will be marked down 20%. Arborcoat stains are one of the best products on the market with a variety of colors that are durable yet easy to clean up.
If you need supplies too, both locations have the products you’ll need to prep your surface, remove wallpaper, prime walls, and clean up once you’re finished. There’s also an excellent selection of brushes for all paints and surfaces, plus anything else you’ll need to get the job done.