Designing your kitchen takes lots of hard work and planning, and because of that, important aspects can be accidentally overlooked. Once you make all of the big decisions, there may be some that take more thought than originally believed. To pull a kitchen together well, it really needs nice accents that not only help with the flow of the entire room, but aid in contrasting colors, sizes, and other aspects. The seemingly simple decision of finding the right decorative kitchen hardware may be overlooked at first, but in reality have an immense impact on the feel and flow of your kitchen.
Many people put all of their focus on the appliances and countertops when designing their kitchen, which is very important but are then left feeling that the kitchen is missing something. This possibly may be because they have forgotten to give proper attention to the kitchen’s hardware. The hardware can make all the difference when attempting to make the kitchen feel cohesive and well put together.
Here at the Studio Northeast, we can make all of those hard decisions seem simple. Our skilled team will look at your current kitchen or your design for your future kitchen and decide which hardware will be best. From knobs to handles, to just about every other type of decorative kitchen hardware, Studio Northeast can and will provide you with the best and highest quality options possible providing a variety of different options.
At Studio Northeast, we offer all the brands that have stood the test of time in both reliability and look. Here at Studio Northeast, we proudly offer brands such as EMTEK, Rocky Mountain Hardware, Top Knobs, and many more.
This wide variety of decorative kitchen hardware not only allows the staff here at Studio Northeast to have a wide variety to match your kitchen with but also gives us the confidence that no matter what hardware you decide to use, you will be receiving a quality product every time. We have a wide selection of colors, sizes, types, and functionality of our hardware, ensuring we have the right fit for you.
Kitchen hardware may seem relatively simple, but there are many parts that must be considered when choosing the one that works best for you and your design. These options include aspects such as color, size, type, and functionality. All of these traits must be understood to make a truly informed decision about the best choice for your style, that will leave you happy with your kitchen for years to come.
Chromatics, or the intellectual understanding of color, is one of the key factors that can influence the way a kitchen looks and feels immensely. Understanding aspects of the color wheel, as well as tones, can enhance the look of the kitchen with just a few accents. If you are looking for a more modern look, white cabinets finished with matte black hardware can pull the entire look together while keeping fingerprints off the handles because of the dark color and matte texture.
If a more contrasting but still elegant look is something that you are trying to achieve, gold hardware with royal blue cabinetry or draws, can provide a much-needed pop of color that does not overwhelm, but instead feels balanced and just right. These colors balance one another well and still allow fun accents in the kitchen without losing any sophistication.
As important as color, the size of the fixture is key to a complete kitchen look as well. For aspects like doors, having large handlebar-type hardware may be just the right fit on larger doors. However, small knobs on larger cabinets can lead to an off-putting look and may take the rest of the kitchen down with it. Even small things like cabinet knobs can have a large impact on the overall feel of the room if they are the incorrect size.
Another key factor is the type of fixture that is attached. With so many choices ranging from knobs, to handles, to just about everything in between, choosing the right decorative kitchen hardware can seem impossible. However, this can be fixed with quick research or talking to a great staff like ours here at Studio Northeast. Part of having a beautiful kitchen is the look, but also the ease of functionality.
Finding the right knob can allow the draw or cabinet to not only work the best but look great at all times. The different types can be great accents to the shape of the draw or cabinet or provide some much-needed contrast. No matter what type of fixture you are looking for, our wide variety can satisfy your needs.
One of the last aspects to consider is the functionality of the hardware. It’s important to understand that knobs, handles, or pulls can look great, but at the end of the day if they are not functional, neither is the kitchen. Finding the hardware that not only looks good but aids in the use of your kitchen, is key to the overall feel of your kitchen. After all, having great hardware on cabinets you cannot open defeats the purpose of your kitchen entirely.
Another great way to determine what hardware would be perfect for your kitchen is to come to visit our showroom. Our showroom offers visualizations of different kitchens and what they look like with unique hardware types.
It is crucial to see them in person because it saves time, as sometimes things are not exactly how you might have imagined them. Seeing the hardware rather than imagining what it would look like on aspects of your kitchen can make the decision much easier and allow you to feel and use the handles to make sure everything is perfect.
Designing your dream kitchen is hard, but we want to make it as simple as possible. Whether you want the accents that are noticed upon first glance and admired, or to have them blend into your kitchen, or a little bit of both, finding the right decorative kitchen hardware is vital.
With this being said, finding the right one is no easy task, so we encourage you to come to visit us today in person at 1452 Barnum Ave, Bridgeport, or visit us online here. Do not hesitate to stop by in person or on our website today and help us make your dream kitchen a reality.